The Trust

The trust has supported a large number of projects over the past years which has resulted in some excellent research outcomes as well as increasing the skills of people who work in the field of cancer-control.


The Trust may appoint up to nine trustees representing medical, strategic and business aspects of cancer control and the management of a charitable trust. The trustees meet regularly throughout the year. The current trustees are listed below:


Maureen Shaddick, LLB, BA. Maureen has over 25 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer and governance adviser in a number of roles in private practice, corporates and not for profit organisations in New Zealand, London and Dubai. She was the General Counsel and Company Secretary of Genesis Energy from 2003 to 2016. Maureen was involved in the establishment of Cancer Research Trust New Zealand (formerly Genesis Oncology Trust) and has been a Trustee since 2003. Other governance roles have included director of Genesis Energy subsidiaries, trustee of Second Nature Charitable Trust, board member of Netball Counties Manukau , director of Greater Auckland Netball Limited and trustee and chair of school board of trustees.


Dr Scott Babington MBChB FRANZCR is a consultant Radiation Oncologist at Canterbury Regional Cancer and Haematology Service, specialising in Urological, Lung, and Breast malignancies. Scott served on the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG) board and scientific committee from 2004 to 2008 and continues to be an active in clinical research. Scott is currently a member of the Cancer Treatments Subcommittee of PTAC (Pharmacology and Therapeutics Advisory Committee, PHARMAC), the South Island Lung Cancer Workstream, New Zealand Lung Cancer Working Party, and Smokefree Canterbury and chair of the Christchurch Coastal Pathway/Te Awa Ihutai Committee.

Professor Cristin Print BHB, MBChB, PhD graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Auckland in 1989. After a period as a house surgeon in Otago, he undertook PhD research in the University of Auckland and a postdoctoral fellowship in Australia, before moving to Cambridge University, UK, where he was a Fellow of St Edmunds College. While in the UK he co-founded a biotechnology company that became listed on the Tokyo stock exchange in 2007. In 2005 he returned to the University of Auckland where he leads a cross-disciplinary research team of clinicians, biologists and data scientists who use genomics, systems biology and bioinformatics to better understand human disease, especially cancer. He leads the Genomics Into Medicine Strategic Research Initiative in Auckland and Chairs the Auckland Regional Tissue Bank Scientific Advisory Board. He is a Deputy Chair of the NZ Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) and a Principle Investigator in the Maurice Wilkins Centre. Previously, he served as President of the NZ Society for Oncology and was Director of the Bioinformatics Institute at the University of Auckland.

Greg Batkin BA(Econ), MBA, MInstD, CFIP has an extensive background in investment banking, direct investment and business ownership. He has reshaped investment portfolios, managed businesses and led high-value transactions. Greg is a Director of Sale Street Holdings, a growth-focused investment holding company. His previous roles include acting Chief Executive of Bromley Park Group, a large specialist poultry breeding business, Chief Investment Officer of NZX-listed Hellaby Holdings; and senior investment banking roles at Craigs Investment Partners, ABN AMRO and Westpac. Greg is Trustee and Chair of Aotearoa Clinical Trials Trust, Deputy Chair of medical software company Safer Sleep Holdings, a director/shareholder of Bromley Park Group; and is a board member of the Outdoor Boating Club.

Dr Peter Watson MBChB FRACP FRACMA is a medical graduate of Otago University. Pete has over 35 years’ experience spanning academic, clinical, and management roles including Chief Medical Officer, Deputy CEO and acting CEO roles at Middlemore Hospital/Counties Manukau Health. Other roles include inaugural national clinical leader at Te Whatu Ora, academic leader of Youth Health at the University of Auckland Department of Paediatrics, and multiple NGO and board roles including Trustee and Deputy Chair of Aoteoroa Clinical Trials Trust.

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